Hello, I'm

Steven Welden

Frontend / Software Engineer


Hi there! My name is Steven Welden, and I'm a software engineer passionate about building beautiful, responsive, and accessible web applications. I have a bachelor’s degree in computer science from the University of California, Irvine.

Since graduating, I have never stopped learning. In my free time, I watch many videos on YouTube and read a lot of tech blogs to learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in web development. I then try to incorporate what I’ve learned into new projects. My current favorite tech to work with is Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS.

When not immersed in software development, you can find me spending quality time with my family, lifting weights, playing video games, or watching anime.

Picture of Steven Welden




Picture of Genshin List

Genshin List

A statically built web app made with Next.js, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. Allows users to filter characters from the game Genshin Impact and see an overview of each character's attributes and talents. Each page has a calculator to see materials required to level up. Includes a light/dark mode toggle.

  • Next.js 14
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Zod
  • Radix UI
Picture of Client Management App

Client Management App

A client management app for a rental company built with React. Uses the PayPal API to retrieve and organize client data. Can view and add clients on a custom-built calendar view. Includes data visualizations of the company’s performance metrics. Logo and layout designs were made using Figma.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Electron
  • Figma
  • TanStack
  • Recharts
  • Zod
  • Vite
Picture of Search Engine

Search Engine

A web search engine built from the ground up in Python. Involved creating a web crawler, indexer, and retriever. It runs under harsh operational constraints with a ranked query response time averaging under 100ms.

  • Python
  • BeautifulSoup
  • Flask
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap 5
Picture of Sleep Tracker

Sleep Tracker

A mobile app for iOS and Android for tracking sleep and sleepiness in Ionic/Angular. It supports adding and deleting entries.

  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • Chart.js
Picture of Distracted Driver Detection

Distracted Driver Detection

An artificial neural network trained to detect distracted drivers based on an image. Data set and problem provided by State Farm’s Kaggle competition. My partner and I used some pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) models such as ResNet-50 and VGG-16.

  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • NumPy
  • Matplotlib
Picture of Minesweeper AI

Minesweeper AI

An AI written in C++ to efficiently and accurately solve minesweeper boards. Uses a constraint satisfaction algorithm to solve a majority of the board. For more complicated scenarios, it calculates the most probable safe tile. My AI placed in the top 5 while competing with 300 students.

  • C++
Picture of Pokémon Team Builder

Pokémon Team Builder

A website that helps users generate a team of six Pokémon using an arc consistency algorithm. Built with my team of 3 during a hackathon at UCI. I developed the entire front-end but was still very inexperienced with CSS at the time.

  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
Picture of Muffin Snatcher

Muffin Snatcher

A 2D platformer where an orange collects muffins. Made using Unity and C# during my first year in university with the help of 4 other members in the video game development club. I designed and developed the entire final level. (Warning, the game is very difficult)

  • C#
  • Unity
  • MS Visual Studio


Got any questions? New project or opportunity? Want to work together? Send me an email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
